Monday, January 14, 2013

365 Inspirations—14: Heated Toilet Seats

"You can program it. Set temperatures of water in the morning and when you get up at 7:30, your toilet seat is warm and ready for you."—Hamid Shoushtari 

 Our computer internet is out, so I'm at my husband's yoga studio down the street typing my next post. I've committed myself to blogging every single day, so a downed network is not going to stop me!

A heated toilet seat is the inspiration for today. It just came to me, believe it or not. My husband stopped by to install one in the bathroom of the yoga studio as I was typing this.

As he was leaving, he said, "After you use the toilet, be sure to put the seat down so it stays warm."

The toilet seat was a gift from a yoga student for my husband's 40th birthday. He turned 40 on December 26, but we celebrated mid-December at our house in Seattle because my husband wanted to go to Las Vegas for his 40th.

Now, when I asked him what he wanted to do for his 40th, I did not expect him to say, "Let's go to Las Vegas." Friends said, "That could be your next book. 'The Monk Hits Vegas.'"

I'll have to give it some thought.

 Anyway, when my husband unwrapped the gift, his guests all laughed and someone piped up, "You can take that one to the Craps table in Vegas." And the laughter continued.

I just went and used the toilet. Let me tell you, in the dead of winter, those seats can be handy! It reminds me of when I lived in Japan. My toilet had so many buttons on it—one for heat, one for water, one for spray and a bunch of other buttons I was afraid to try. The thing looked like a space ship and even played music!

In the bathrooms in Japan, some of the public restrooms have sound machines on the wall that play sounds like waterfalls or waves in case you need privacy. While in Korea,I discovered that there was something similar on the wall. I thought, Oh, they have these here too and proceeded to push the button. With that, an army of Korean staff showed up at my stall. It was not a sound machine, but a help button! That's the last thing you need when all you want is a little privacy in the public restroom.

Have you ever experienced a heated toilet seat? Would you ever buy one for your home?


  1. I have never tried a heated toilet seat, but it sounds wonderful for those cold, winter early mornings!

    1. Yes! It's been very cold in Seattle lately and the heated toilet seat is much appreciated!

  2. My first visit to Japan in 1991 introduced me to interesting (and totally under-utilized) world of electronic toilets. I was a guest at a lovely woman's house who was having us for tea. After using her toilet, I looked down and in horror realized there were about 39 buttons, and I did not know how to flush! Using my advanced logic at the time (I was 14), I thought surely it must be the largest button. Suddenly the toilet was erupting, and I was getting cold water sprayed on my backside (to my progressing horror it was apparently the bidet button I had pushed, though I didn't figure this out until after I had launched off the toilet with water spraying everywhere). Long story short, I sheepishly mopped up the floor with a towel from her cabinet, and being 14, told no one. I'm sure she figured out pretty readily what had happened, but it made me very wary of toilets in private homes for the rest of my visit!

  3. Haha! I can imagine how startling it would be to innocently press a button and you're suddenly surrounded by concerned strangers. 0_O And on the pot no less! The 2-button ones in Portland's airport were confusing enough. But, yes, a heated seat would be nice during cold months, though in the Deep South it wouldn't get much use.

    1. I know! It was the last thing I wanted while "on the pot!" Next time I'm in the Portland airport, I'll have to check out the two-button ones!

  4. Until this post, I'd never heard of them. I live in Canada and it gets darn cold in my house during the winter. That might not be a bad idea. Though sitting on a cold toilet certainly helps me wake up in the morning. lol

    1. Canada cold use some heated toilet seats! (He, He!) There might be a BIG market for them!!

  5. The first time I encountered a toilet tricked out with bells and whistles was in a restaurant--I backed out of the stall thinking I'd accidentally entered the handicapped stall. But then the other toilet was the same!

    1. Love this story! I know what you mean. It's like you are not quite sure what the thing might do!!!! Luckily the heated toilet seat in the yoga studio doesn't have any buttons!!!

  6. Less expensive toilet seats often use plastic hinges with only two points of contact, which means they may flex from side to side during use. This flexing can lead to the hinge snapping in two unexpectedly.
