Thursday, December 30, 2010

365 Lesson-Lesson 364: Words Have Energy

Watch what words you put out there. Everything carries with it a vibration. Some words carry a very low vibration. Ever wonder why, in a yoga class, people chant "om?" This word has a very high-vibrational quality to it. Words like mother, mom, oma, and mama are similar. "Om" is thought of as the sound the universe makes or the "hum" of the universe.

Whatever you say comes back to you in the form of energy. Ever wonder why certain people get attracted to what you write? Those people are a reflection of you. They are the reflection of the energy you send out.

How do you want to be in this world? You get to decide. You make the choice. You are not your past. You don't have to remain stuck where you once were. You are here now. In every single moment, you decide how you want to be and what words you want to use. Every time you say or do something, it will be reflected back to you. If you are sending negativity and harsh words out into the world, this is what you'll get back.

Do you ever see yourself in your children--the words they say, the actions they do? Children are a GREAT mirror of yourself. Are you ever startled by what you see?

When you say or do something, do you have the best interest of yourself and others in mind? This doesn't mean that we cannot tell our stories or that there is no pain in life. Of course there are difficulties and pain or we wouldn't be here. I don't believe we are here to remain stuck forever in pain and misery. I believe we are here to work through it and to learn from it. Everyone has a story, but what is the reason to tell it? Sometimes, while I work on my book, I have to go through pain. I can't hide from it, it was there and I'm writing a memoir. But the point is not to bring everyone to pain with me. The point of my story is to take you on my journey through the pain and beyond it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I don't want to be the dark tunnel in this world. That is not how I choose to be. I want to be the light at the end of the tunnel. And that's why I'm writing my book, Lessons from the Monk I Married.

So, if you ever wonder, "Why me?" or "Why is my life so miserable?" Look to yourself for your answers. Nothing outside you can cause your misery. Nothing. You decide how you want to be in this world. You decide what words and what actions you are going to put out there. It starts with you. Right here, right now!

I believe we all have something positive to give. I choose to be light and I choose to love myself as I am. What do you choose to be in this world?


  1. How true and well said. What I choose to be is within my hands and my heart.
    I am so excited for your last post. I am glad to have been a small part of your journey.
    Happy New Year

  2. Hi YogaSavy-One more post to go for this year. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year to you to..may your light shine wherever you go!

  3. Beautiful post.

    What are we?
    Are we what we eat?
    Are we what we think?
    Are we what we say?
    Are we what we dream?
    Are we what we believe?
    Are we what we act like?

    I choose to continually strive to better myself by correcting my imperfections, as much as that is possible; by treating others kindly; by being honest; by keeping my promises; by being true to myself.

    One more post to go for 2010. This is indeed exciting.

  4. Yes, we are all those things Mike...and more! You are already perfect as you are! Yes, ONE MORE POST TO GO!

  5. As usual, your post is resonating with me, in so many ways.

    I'm really excited this is your penultimate post, but sad because I won't be able to receive your wisdom every day! Luckily I haven't yet read all your previous posts, so will work my way back to january 2010 in the next couple of days/weeks.
    Happy new year Katherine!

  6. such a great post, i choose to push myself on the orad of freedoom and creativity, to keep on going for be better and less selfish

  7. I have discovered the infinite power of words this year and your post confirm that everything lays in our hands and that we are creators of our own life....something we forget easily when in front of life challenges.

    Only 1 more Post........You made it. Well done!

    Best wishes for 2011 and best of luck with the wrtiting of your book.

  8. Kathy a very belated CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment from 2010. You did it! You got an agent, you got a book deal, and you wrote on your blog everyday fro 365 days. Nice work. To say I'm impressed is an understatement. Can't wait to read your work in 2011. All the best my dearest friend.

  9. So true! I believe that we all have something positive to give as well. Words are so powerful and I choose positivity every day. Thank you so much for this post.
