Friday, August 27, 2010

365 Lessons-Lesson 239: Escape to Nature

My husband closed down his yoga school for three days and we ran away! We went to Dungeness Spit in Sequim, WA. It's a long sand bar that stretches 5 miles out. The round trip hike is 10 miles. We had an amazing time and saw WHALES blowing. My husband saw a whale tail up close, but we weren't able to get it on my video. We just got them blowing in the distance.

Nature is so strong here. I won't be able to write much tonight because I want to feel it. I'll leave you with a video of the afternoon and pictures.
Here are some picture of us on the beach:

Nature is so powerful. It can change all the molecules in your body when you are in it and make you feel part of it. I am enjoying the silence, waves, my husband and life in general. Have you had a chance to be with nature lately? Good night, off to look at the full moon and hear some crickets maybe!


  1. always good to be in the nature!

  2. I loved your video! As a California girl currently landlocked in Iowa, I so miss the ocean. I could almost taste and smell the salt air and feel those seaweed pods pop under your feet. The shadows of you and your monk walking were very romantic!
