Thursday, October 17, 2013

365 Inspirations—290: Time for a Change

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."—Barack Obama

Change, as you all know, is in the air these days. The leaves are changing color, my husband's business location is changing, we are heading out on several yoga retreats soon, I have a couple books on some burners AND I'm feeling the need to tune in.

Maybe the season does that to me. I feel the need to meditate, but also exercise, practice yoga, feel my heart pumping and my muscles flexing, feel the cool air on a brisk walk, eat well and live consciously.

It's all about paying attention really. It's about waking up.

I'm ready to head off on a writing retreat and I sort of feel like joining a gym. I practice yoga regularly, but I feel I'd like a bit more cardiovascular activity, so I'm thinking of going back to the gym near my house where I once was a member.

It's time for a change.

Time to be fully the person I want to be while I'm still here.

Do you feel it's time for a change? What would you like to change about your life?


  1. Hi Katherine yes I feel the pull and push to change. I need to reclaim my power, I seem to keep giving it away and then wonder why I feel so empty. I am not being fully me, writing makes me feel alive, sharing my learnings and being free. You have helped more than you know dear friend. I am going to sign up to that yoga class that I have been avoiding <3

  2. I do sometimes feel it's time for a change. I am thinking of exploring new career opportunities within the filed of higher education but I'm torn because I love where I'm at now. But I've hit a plateau here :)
