About Me

In 2009, I started this blog called Lessons from the Monk Married as a way of sharing my thoughts with the world and in 2010, I made a commitment to blog every single day (365 Lessons) for an entire year.

Try blogging every single day and you'll find that there is no way to hide from who you really are. 

I wrote about everything from believing in oneself, optimism, and the power of intuition to procrastination, rejection and giving up—there wasn't any time to think about what to write, I simply WROTE.

During that time, dozens of people started following my blog and reading my lessons. I came into contact with so many people that year—people who I now consider dear friends. This is certainly the best part about blogging.

I also believe that the very act of blogging and writing—putting myself out there, so to speak—led me to my first published book.

 I received agent representation and landed a book deal for my memoir Lessons from the Monk I Married in 2010 after a writer in Montana discovered my blog and connected me to her agent.

Lessons from the Monk I Married was published on April 3, 2012 by Seal Press/Perseus Books. Foreign sales and translations of my book include the following countries: Croatia, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and China. Lessons from the Monk I Married is a Lonely Planet Top Travel Literature Book for 2012 and has received many glowing book reviews. (See Book Reviews)

In 2013, I committed myself to another year of writing every single day in the form of inspirations. Also, my husband and I joined forces and started to offer yoga/writing retreats both nationally and internationally (See Retreats and Classes).

I am currently working on a new book of fiction based on my travels around the world. I also teach blogging/intuitive writing retreats, workshops and classes.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. This is inspiring! In 1997, I lost one of my buddies to cancer. His wish for me was to 1.) finish my degree in Psychology; 2.) Learn Yoga; 3.) Renew my Passport. In June, 1999 I finished my degree. In June, 2013 I went on an Ashtanga Yoga retreat, but had to sit out most of the last day--can't twist my spine due to a tight back and 5 months of Physical Therapy after a car slammed into mine at a red light. I am now in a meditation class to sleep better. I commend you for opening up and will add you to my blog roll. Congrats on the book!

    1. Glad you are completing your goals! Yoga is something that can help with your back problem, but you have to move into it slowly and regularly. Thanks so much for stopping by here.
