Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Facebook Detox

Kayaking on Puget Sound from Camano Island
Today I decided to take a month-long hiatus from Facebook.

The world did not stop spinning.

These blog posts will automatically appear there without me doing anything.

In fact, I'm taking this month to not only detox from Facebook, but detox my body as well.

I'm on an all fruit and vegetable detox for a week. Living near a fast pace city, it's easy to get swept away into the abyss of literally hundreds of amazing restaurants and food options.

My body and my mind needed a break.

I felt the need to return to the basics.

So without much pre-planning, today became the day for both—no Facebook for a month and a diet of fruit and vegetables for a week.

I already feel better and realize how many things I've avoided that are important to me by allowing myself to be swept up in the craziness.

The last time I blogged here, I mentioned that I had a crazy whim to leave it all behind and head to the Big Island. I still have that dream and believe that I will follow through with it at some point in my life. I don't imagine myself permanently living there as I've realized this summer that I really do LOVE the Pacific Northwest. However, I may live on the Big Island part-time at some point....like when it gets really cloudy and gray here...

What I've come to realize is that no life is perfect, so instead of day dreaming of where I'd like to be, I've realized that I'm pretty happy where I am in my life.

Here are some things I'm grateful for:

1. I am grateful for my husband Yoon and all the inspiring talks we have about life. I'm grateful for the silence and space between us when we walk and just observe the sights and sounds of nature

2. Nature in the Pacific Northwest, particularly in the summer, is unbeatable. I love that for three months I can hike on trails under a canopy of pine, cedar and fir and pick berries all around me (huckleberries, blackberries, thimble berries, and salmon berries). The abundance of nature is so evident here.

3. I'm grateful for my home and humble garden of tomatoes, kale, beets, squash and herbs and for the great, big, yellow, juicy plums I just picked from the trees across the street.

4. I'm grateful for my job and all the wonderful students I get to work with! Yes, I actually get to spend time with people from all over the world for my job.

5. I'm grateful that I have amazing co-workers who inspire me everyday.

6. Even though I need to detox from it sometimes because there are endless, amazing options, I get to live in Seattle!

Okay, I realize that this list could go on and on....I have so many things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for all the retreats Yoon and I have coming up. I hope you will join us for one of those:

Link to Yoon & Kathy's Retreats!

I'm thankful that I made it back to this blog! How are all of you doing?

Have you ever felt the need for a mental or physical detox in order to see the simple things that make you feel grateful and happy?


  1. I relate to all the things you are thankful for and I too have a bounty of blessings in my life. Perhaps one day you will spend more time in the islands, as you say. You live in a lovely place and I live in coastal California, also lovely. Ah, the redwood trees and the ocean.

    1. Hi Terra, Yes, blessings are everywhere! I love your part of the country to...Yoon and I did a road trip through the redwoods last June....beautiful. I do see more of the islands in my future, but for now I'm enjoying where I am!

  2. I am so grateful for you. Even though we only know each other a few years, I feel blessed to have you in my life. I detox off the computer a certain time at night, what an amazing free feeling it is!! Hugs!!

    1. I Karen! I'm grateful for you too and hope we meet again some day in the not so distance future. I like your idea of detoxing off the computer at a certain time each evening. So far I've felt really good on my fruit & veggie cleanse and Facebook detox and it's Day THREE!

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I understand that wandering spirit because I also love to imagine a different life. I live in Puerto Rico (on an island) but I imagine life in many places. Recently a friend of mine went to Seattle and she had such a wonderful time that they started to imagine living there! We have so many options in this life. My sister bought a house on the Big Island and they are retiring there. Another one of my sisters is moving to Florida soon. In our time, we all have so many options. I hope that some day we meet, Katherine. I enjoyed your book! Thanks for writing it.

    1. How exciting it would be to live in Puerto Rico! That is the funny thing....many of us live in such beautiful places others dream of visiting and it's easy to take those places for granted and want to be somewhere else. I'm looking at my city with fresh eyes and all I see is beauty around,,,but I know I will still travel! I hope to meet you too someday! Maybe in Puerto Rico? Thank you so much for the kind words about my book. I'm currently working on another one. All the best to you Cynthia!

  4. Best wishes for your double detox!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  5. While I'm not on Facebook (probably because I would need to do what you're currently doing) I agree that taking time off and stepping back from our electronically overloaded lives is a good thing. Focusing on what we are grateful for is good medicine.

  6. I'm really happy to have stumbled across your blog. This was an incredibly inspirational post, and you now have me considering a Facebook hiatus as well. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  7. Detoxing from anything certainly makes me find out some very ugly parts of myself (that's a good thing). Just found your blog - very grateful for that.

  8. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I understand that wandering spirit because I also love to imagine a different life. I live in Puerto Rico (on an island) but I imagine life in many placefacebook
