Saturday, February 25, 2012

Countdown to Publication-Week 5: I'm Ready for This Thing to Come Out

"I'm ready for this thing to come out." I've never had children, but I'm sure a soon-to-be mother somewhere has said these words at some point. It's been a long labor. No, I'm not pregnant, but it feels like it sometimes—all this planning, preparing, organizing, appointments and then the W-A-I-T.

You wonder what it will look like and if it will come out okay. You wonder if you've done enough or if you've forgotten something. You wonder how the world will perceive it. You are excited and freaked out at the same time! You wonder if you can handle something like this.

But there's no going back now. The bun is in the oven. The book has gone to print. It's cooking.

People give you all kinds of scenarios of what it will be like. They give you suggestions and tell you what you need to do. They tell you what to expect. They tell you the worst case scenarios and the best case scenarios. They tell you how surreal it is.

They might as well be describing what it's like to set foot on Jupiter. I won't really no what it's like until I've arrived. And it will be nothing like they've described anyway. Everyone has to go through their own experiences in this world.

But right now I want to put all the ideas, suggestions and expectations aside and take a rest.

I'm ready for this thing to come out, but it's due date is April 3rd. You can do all the preparing in the world, but I'm sure it's nothing like you imagined. It's nothing like the REAL THING!


  1. You've been working on this for so long that I'm not surprised your feeling. This is somehow overdue — by quite a bit.

    And there isn't a thing that you can do about it.

    This is a huge exercise in patience. Like the birth of a child, it will come when it is ready. I hope you can relax enough that you'll be ready for the arrival when it comes.

    Blessings and Bear hugs in the process.

  2. Thanks Rob! Yes, a HUGE exercise in patience and I have two posts in my 31 Writers series on Patience, interestingly. I should heed those good words of advice. But I do feel this book is more than ready to be here. And it will be here very soon! Thanks for the blessing and bear hugs!

  3. You are so right Katherin....that is exactly what expectant moms say at one point or another towards the end of pregnancy...just get this thing out of me!!!!

    This will be your unique experience and thought there may be similarities to others this one is yours...what an exciting time for you...
    and again you are so right, you can do all the preparing, but we never really know how things are going to manifest....that is the exciting gift of Life!


    Love and Light

  4. Publishing a book is just as painful as birthing a're on the last push. Keep breathing, nibble of chipped ice and count. You're almost there.


  5. Hi Cheryl-It's been painful and joyful at the same time. I've really enjoyed the process and have learned so much! I'm sure there is much more to figure out, but I'll take it as it comes. Yes, final push....only 34 days!!!!!! Yikes!
